I love hand dyeing fabrics for lingerie projects. In this video, I introduce you to a few different types of dyes and how they work with lingerie and bra making materials.

I love hand dyeing fabrics for lingerie projects. In this video, I introduce you to a few different types of dyes and how they work with lingerie and bra making materials.
Over the last year I’ve gotten many great emails with all sorts of questions about bra and lingerie making. Some readers have asked about techniques, and others about patterns and fitting. I love getting these kinds of emails and if I don’t know the answer, I hunt for it. So I thought it was about …
Experiments in dyeing nylon with tea!
I’m not naturally a performer; that is, becoming a symbol, a larger-than-life self in front of an audience. My husband is. I’m an introverted intellectual. And so he was giving me cues about what one does taking pictures of oneself in a bathing suit standing in a hallway. Like read the New York Times? Yeah, …
Sometimes I need a little blog break for mental sanity. The last couple of weeks I’ve tried hard to spend less time on the internet, more time using my hands, for things like… picking flowers! May signals the end of the early spring wildflowers in Austin, so I’ve been rummaging around the garden dead matter …
Dyeing lingerie notions (bra hooks, elastic, and more) with acid dye.